U.S. Embassy
Located in the steppes where temperatures range from 30 degrees below zero in winter to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, the main challenge, beyond the security measures associated with a U.S. Embassy, became the extreme weather conditions. On the site, windrows of evergreen trees disrupt the force of winter winds. Building orientation responds to prevailing winds and seasonable solar path. The two story glass entrance vestibule is a unique feature of the Chancery. On the interior, an hydronic heating system serves flat panel radiators under each window to control downdrafts and condensation in winter.
Building ornamentation and interiors feature the rich patterns and colors native to Kazak culture. These patterns embellish the facia of the granite Chancery and stone flooring of interior lobby and gallery spaces.
Set on a 21 acre site within the diplomatic zone of Astana, this nine building compound includes a Chancery, three access control facilities, an ambassador's residence, a marine residence, and utility, warehouse, and support annex buildings. KCCT was responsible for the entire master planning of the compound, and the design of the new Chancery Office Building. Design and construction totaled 32 months.
Image Gallery:
Astana, Kazakhstan
168,778 SF / 15,680 SM
U.S. Department of State, OBO
• Architecture
• Master Planning
• Sustainable Design
• Security
• Construction Administration
• Programming